Empower your Firstline Workers with new capabilities in Microsoft Teams

Firstline Workers are more than two billion people worldwide who work in service- or task-oriented roles, across industries such as retail, hospitality, travel, and manufacturing. And today, we are announcing the general availability of Shifts, in addition to three new features in Microsoft Teams to help Firstline Workers achieve more. Read the full blog here.


  1. Plan and create schedules with Shifts
    With Shifts, your schedule management tool now available in Teams, managers can easily plan and create shift schedules, and team members can review schedules and make shift requests from their mobile devices, all in real time.

distribute schedules.pngFor managers, create and distribute schedules to your team. And for team members, easily review your schedule, and day or shift notes, directly from your mobile device.

  1. Customize your mobile Teams experience and leverage new mobile features
    With the new customizable mobile experience available today, Firstline Workers can customize their navigation menu to have the features most important to them at their fingertips. In addition, Firstline Workers can leverage new mobile features such as: location sharing and smart camera, as well as the ability to record and share audio messages. Lastly, IT administrators can now also give each employee role-based access to the primary Teams features they need.

Availability: The customizable mobile experience and new mobile features are available starting today.


View all conversations.pngView all conversations in one place (left), share location and record audio messages (middle), and customize your navigation menu (right) to make Teams relevant to your role.


  1. Integrate your workforce management system with Teams using a Graph API for Shifts
    The Graph API for Shifts, the schedule management tool in Teams, is the first of a set of new APIs that enable organizations to integrate their existing workforce management systems with Teams. Available in public preview, the new API makes integration between Shifts and enterprise scheduling systems possible, enabling seamless access to workforce management systems for managers and employees, right from Teams.


Availability: The Graph API for Shifts will be in public preview this quarter.


  1. Celebrate your team with Praise
    The new Praise tool, rolling out this quarter, gives managers and employees a simple way to recognize co-workers, right in the Teams app where the whole team can see it. Taking steps to engage and recognize employees can go a long way to improving their satisfaction, and reducing turnover.


Availability: Praise is rolling out this quarter.


Share badges.pngShare badges to celebrate success, increase employee engagement and foster greater comradery.

Please visit our Teams for Firstline Workers page to learn more about how Teams can empower your Firstline Workforce.


Let us know what you think!

Try the new features and provide feedback using the feedback link in the lower left corner of Microsoft Teams. If you have suggestions on how to make Teams better, please submit your idea via User Voice or vote for existing ideas to help us prioritize the requests. We read every piece of feedback that we receive to make sure that Microsoft Teams meets your needs.


—Keara James, product marketing manager Microsoft Teams

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  1. 소형 항공기를 통해 중국 카지노 고객이 20~30명 규모로 제주를 방문한 적은 있지만 일본 카지노 VIP들이 대형 전세기를 타고 제주를 방문하는 것은 이번이 처음이다. 제주 드림타워 복합리조트를 운영 중인 롯데관광개발이 카지노 VIP 고객을 위한 단독 전세기를 띄우고 일본 고객 유치에 나선다. 특정 카지노 사이트 국가 고객 유치를 위해 전세기를 띄우는 것은 국내 여행업계 최초로, 롯데관광개발은 향후 말레이시아와 홍콩 등지로도 전세기를 띄울 계획인 것으로 알려졌다.


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